I just wanted to take some time (instead of studying for midterms) to say hello to all of you out there who actually clicked my profile for whatever obscure reason... Anyway, since this is my first news post I guess I'll use it to introduce myself. I am currently a freshman enrolled at Indiana University (IU) in the good ole' US of A. I am also a direct admit in the Kelley School of Business as a Freshman (means I'm smart of something). Anyway, I plan on going into a dual major of Accounting and Finance, with a possible minor in marketing. I am also a member of many other websites, like everyone else who is proficient in the ways of the interwebs.
Here are some of the websites that I am a member of, if you feel like stalking me or something...
What the hell, here is my answers.com profile... but I haven't used it in a while.
Just in case you didn't notice, I'm not big into the whole "I'm a member of everything internet related" craze.
As for the stuff that I do on Newgrounds, I've been a visitor to Newgrounds for a few years now, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to create an account. The main reason for creating an account was to be able to submit my "art". Since my account's creation in February of this year, I've been doing my thing here on Newgrounds.com
Here's a cupcake for your troubles.